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Generations Apart



Brian, a college football player, has to protect his grandfather from a rival family bent on bringing their decades-old feud to a violent end, when his grandfather reveals a secret: Brian has super powers and must learn how to use them.


BRIAN BAKER’s grandfather, WALLACE, is a kind old man with one strange quirk: he insists that he has super powers.


When Wallace finds out that his brother, Marcus, is in the hospital, he and Brian set out to Wallace’s home town in West Virginia to help him out. Along the way, Wallace reveals the real reason he asked Brian to come with him: he thinks Brian has super powers too, and Wallace is determined to train him. Brian is, of course, skeptical, but he humors his grandfather as best he can.


Once they make it to West Virginia, Wallace gives Brian tasks that are supposed to train his powers, like helping people in town. Brian’s “training” leads him to JIMMY DRAKE, a young man who is deeply resentful over a conflict between his grandfather and Wallace in the 1960s. Jimmy and his buddies beat Brian up within an inch of his life and threaten that Wallace will be next.


Wallace doesn’t believe in revenge and refuses to retaliate, even though Jimmy’s father caused the death of one of Wallace’s children. He just wants Brian to continue his training. But Brian instead sets out to find evidence that connects Jimmy to the robbery of Marcus’s general store so Jimmy won’t be able to hurt Wallace.


As Brian investigates, he gradually sees more and more signs that he might just have powers after all, and a run-in with Jimmy confirms it. Just before Jimmy can shoot him, Brian uses telekinesis to dismantle Jimmy’s shotgun.


Wallace, now at peace after having passed on the knowledge of the powers, he allows himself to die. Brian is distraught—and becomes panicked when his family is to come to town for Wallace’s funeral, with Jimmy now furious that Brian has turned in evidence of Jimmy’s criminal activity.


At the funeral, Jimmy barrels down on Brian’s family in his truck. Brian strains his powers to the fullest to disintegrate the truck with his mind—saving his family and becoming the town’s new hero.

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